Transformers: Optimus Prime "Super Base" Action Figure Product Description:
- With Sparkplug Mini-Con Figue
Product Description
From the Transformer Armada by Hasbro, Optimus Prime teams up with Sparkplug Mini-Con in the battle between Autobot and Decepticon robots for control of their home planet Cybertron. When the truck cab of Optimus Prime changes into a robot and the truck trailer automatically opens up into a Mini-Con base station. Change the robot into a torso form and combine the torso and legs to create Super Optimus Prime robot. When the Optimus Prime robot is changed back into the truck cab, the base station closes up automatically to form the truck trailer. Mini-Con base station features ramps, firing stations, runways and storage areas for Mini-Con figures, complete with electronic lights and sounds. Optimus Prime robot includes Sparkplug Mini-Con figure, a comic book and a collectable sticker. Imported.
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
19 of 20 people found the following review helpful.Armada Prime-Bigger, but not nesscessarily better
By Dan Gottlieb
Ok, let see, I opened my Optimus Prime and looked for positives and negatives right away.The POSITIVES- This Optimus prime is huge! He comes in the biggest box we have seen in a while and has a great look as a semi truck. The first transform into the regular robot and battle station is cool. The figure is the first to feature a moving mouth plate even though on this incarnation of Transformers cartoon he dosent move it. The figure is very close to the same idea of the original optimus prime and the smoke stacks becoming a gun is a innovative idea. The base transforming on its own is fun to watch and its very functional with a great deal of room for lots of Mini-cons. The sound effects are interesting and his Mini-con Sparkplug is the coolest so far.
The NEGATIVES-The main problem with the figure in regular robot mode is that it looks like hasbro was trying to save money, because there is a lack of joints in his legs. The actual posablity is non-existant. Plus Optimus dosent stand well in his own transforming base.Then we have the Super robot mode. Oh boy, what were they thinking with this. The super mode dosent stand well. If the figure is on a counter top with smooth surface, he tends to start to fall from his weight. The cab that triggers the auto transform of his base, dosent fit easily onto the newly transformed legs in fact if played with in a regular fashion. It can fall apart, and possibly hitting the ground making it dangerous for children.The arms on super mode dont go much past his mid section which makes the fact that he has a gun pointless since if it were real he would shoot his feet. The face of the super robot mode on Optimus Prime looks nothing like Optimus, and is down right ugly. Even though its the only poseable thing on the super mode, which in fact isnt super at all.Lastly, its very hard to get the thing back to vehicle mode after you acheive super robot because the signal from the cab dosent seem to give the right signal when you want it to.The prior Optimus Prime from Transformers:Robots in Disguise is superior to this one in both modes and is more fun to play with. Plus you can pose all the modes on that, even when merged with Ultra Magnus. Back to the drawing board guys, Optimus Prime is supposed to be the best of them all. Make him that way!
12 of 13 people found the following review helpful.A View On Armada Optimus Prime
By A Customer
So here you are, down to the question whether or not Armada Optimus Prime is worthy of a purchase. For that answer, let us look into greater detail at a once again revived character, cherished by so many fans.
To get it straightened out before we go any farther, I would like to take the time to point out that the auto-transform feature only works well when the windshield of the cab is pointing at the right side of the trailer (when you are facing the toy head on). This is something that many do not know or care to know, giving the educational value a solid five stars. Now, with that out of the way, there should be no problem with the auto-transform feature!
The Cab: My favorite vehicle so far in Armada is Optimus Prime. I personally am pretty happy with his design, as it is wide and bulky (in a good way). The IR signal to transform the trailer is sent from inside the cab. There are 2 points for Mini-Con attachment behind the cab. Complaints are that the front grille is not painted (to silver) and remains grey while the bumpers to either side *are* painted silver, and, also, the hands for super robot mode stick out in the back. I'd also like to point out the cab is pretty small, in comparison to Red Alert's SUV mode for example. Overall, a good effort on the cab was made.
The Trailer: I'm not going to go in-depth, as many others have, obviously. There are several more points to attach Mini-Cons and the trailer transforms into a base and the also legs for Optimus's Super Mode. There are plenty of places for Mini-Cons to attach and to "work" the base, although they serve little real purpose in the Super Mode. Optimus also has a place to attach to the base in the center. My only gripe is that the cab, when attached, does not have a great amount of left or right movement in turning and the like.
The Robot: Optimus Prime is Optimus Prime. Returning once again with the signature head since the 80's, it even has a button to make the mouthpiece move. And, for only the second time, a retail US Optimus Prime with a matrix (the other being R.I.D. Optimus Prime)! It is not removable, but, well, that makes one less small part to lose. His smokestacks become guns and the other gun that comes with him does fit into his hands. I am actually more than a little disappointed with this mode though because of scale and because some joints become alarming loose after a single transformation. He's shorter than Red Alert by a noticeable margin and is quite smaller than Megatron. Also, he has limited leg poseability, making him seem sort of stiff (this is because one of his legs has electronics in it and they both have to work the same). That, however, will be remedied in his Super-Con form, coming out at the end of the year. So far I'm split down the middle over robot mode.
Super Robot: Most people have been thorough with the fact that Optimus is a "statue" in this mode, primarily due to his "legs". Do not fear though, as Jetfire (due out in November) will be able to take the place of the trailer as the Super Robot's legs, and the new ones should give him much better movement. Aside from the legs, my biggest gripes are his arms, which, as I'm sure people have heard, cannot go forward beyond a certain point (again, because of the electronics). This will invariably result in his gun being able to point at little more than the legs of most other transformers. Although, his right hand *does* have a light which will illuminate translucent weapons. Yes, he's intimidating, as he's taller than Optimal Optimus of Beast Wars fame, and perhaps as tall as Air Attack Optimus Primal, but personally, I'll be waiting for Jetfire.
The Mini-Con, Sparkplug: He's small, yellow, and has a head similar to Bumblebee, what else can you hope for? To tell you the truth, he also has *the* most complex and nifty transformations of all the Mini-Cons. He's sure to be a favorite.
Overall: You will either love or you will hate him. There are things you can look forward to if you buy him, but there are other things that you may surely despise. If you are passionate about collection Primes, if you are a Transformers collector, or if you just want a Prime to lead your Armada forces, he's your man. However, if you want a highly poseable and ultimately better robot mode and do not care about the trailer, base, or super robot form, then hold off for Super-Con Optimus Prime. I do hold Optimus in high esteem as he is bursting with gimmicks and is fun in its own right, but he does carry a hefty price tag and requires 4AA batteries, so it all comes down to what you want.
9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.Best Optimus Prime ever!"
By A Customer
I just got this figure yesterday and I have to admit that it's really good. I saw the other online reviews, and most people think that this toy [is bad], but if they say that, they're either lying or they don't have the figure at all.
Fun Value - I gave this figure 5 stars for fun because he has three modes: Robot mode, Vehicle mode, and Super Robot mode. The cab can transform into a mini-base and the legs for Super Optimus Prime. Also he has one big hand-gun for Super mode, and you can turn the 2 pipes on regular Optimus's arms into a gun as well. Most people say that peices fall off, but that's not true. That can only happen if you're misusing it. His minicon partner, Sparkplug, is okay, but not really needed. Overall it's extremely fun.
Educational Value - I gave this figure's educational value 2 stars because it's very easy to read and understand the instructions. After a day or two you won't even need it anymore.
Durability - I gave this figure's durability 4 stars because it's real easy to move and play around with. the legs and arms and the mini-base mode is very manuevarable too. My only criticism is the legs for the Super Robot mode. It can't bend or move at all, but don't let that discourage you, the arms and head move perfectly.
This figure is really great but the only thing that bothers me is the PRICE! ... way too much for a Transformer figure. But I think that's the only big problem. Overall though, it's purely fantastic, it can also combine with Jetfire to make Jet Convoy. If you're a Transformers Armada fan or an Opttimus Prime fan, this is a must buy! Don't waste your time getting the Semi-truck Optimus Prime with the Over-run Minicon, this one is much better. I Hope this review helped you.
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