Java Board Game Product Description:
- Michael Kiesling Wolfgang Kramer deepest game some say
Product Description
Java is a fascinating island with great potential for development - especially the undeveloped area of central Java with its fertile soil and rich natural resources.
These riches are much desired by the rulers of the regions that surround central Java. Each player, as one of the Javanese rulers, tries to develop the region for himself. Each wants to bring his culture and control to these undeveloped areas. The players irrigate the land and cultivate new rice fields. They build villages and palaces, and create cities from the villages.
Each desires to be the dominant force in the development of this new area. Players earn fame points for building and enlarging palaces, for creating irrigation systems, and for arranging palace festivals. The player with the most fame points after the final scoring is the winner.
Java is the second game of the Mask Trilogy.
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.A Thinker's Delight
By Mr. Mario T. Lanza
In days of old there was only Monopoly. When people thought board games, this was the first one to pop to mind. In recent years there's a new fad of games arriving on the board gaming scene sometimes called Eurogames or German games.These new games are much more fun than the typical American game in that they reward good decision making rather than luck. Java is one of the best of these German style games; however, it is a little heavy.Players compete to cutivate rice fields by developing a three dimensional landscape and seeking to claim the highest ground. You see, on these rice fields players are sectioning off plantations and building palaces on those plantations. In order to claim points from plantations a player must move his developer pawns to the highest ground on that plantation. This is complicated by the fact that the landscape is always being reshaped by one's opponents who seek to develop and claim even higher ground than your own.The end of the game reaches its climax with one final scoring round where everyone is rewarded points according to the height of the groud claimed in the many plantations and their respective palaces.This game is brilliant, fun, and deep. It's perfect for adults esp. those who really get juiced by using their minds. Please don't get me wrong, the game itself isn't complicated. It's just one of those things that like chess is simple on the surface, but deep when you investigate its many intricate possibilities.I recommend you ease into Eurogaming by starting with Settlers of Catan. Once you try and enjoy Settlers, consider Java. It's a wonderful game.
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