Epson Stylus Photo 890 Inkjet Printer Product Description:
- Prints a 4-by-6-inch photo in 48 seconds, 8-by-10-inch photo in 1 minute, 50 seconds
- 6-color individually replaceable ink system
- 2,880 x 720 dpi resolution; 4-picoliter, variable-size ink droplets
- Supports roll paper and border-free photo printing
- USB and parallel ports; PC and Mac compatible
Customer Reviews
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84 of 87 people found the following review helpful.Very impressive
By atmj
I did a review after I first set it up and ran several photos through. Now I have run two sets of color cartridges and 2-1/2 rolls of 4" photo paper and several greetings cards through it and I am even more impressed.
PRINT QUALITY EQUIVALENT TO SILVER HALIDE BUT LIFE MAY NOT: As I said in my earlier review a professional photo-evaluator, had recommended this printer to me, as its print quality looks almost like a silver halide print. One concern however, is storage. It is my understanding ink-jet prints though they may look equivalent to that of silver halide, do not have the life span. Only time will tell.
EASY TO USE I make my living evaluating items for ease of use and this printer impressed me. One concern I had when I first realized you had to change some of the parts of the printer for 4" roll paper was ease of doing this, as it was placed up on a shelf and not easy for me to access. I was pleasantly surprised.
PAPER LOADING THOUGH AT FIRST IS CONFUSING GOES TOGETHER NICE: The Epson printer has a two-piece assembly for the back paper-loading section. One part is made to accept two different assemblies. One for sheet paper, and the other for roll paper. Once you first install this piece, it goes in easy. Initially it was a little confusing from the instructions. However, since you have to change part of this to put in the paper roll, I had a chance to do this at least 10 times. I'm happy to say, loading the paper on the roll and dropping this into the back of the printer is easy to do. Given where I put my printer this could have been a nightmare. The printer once the roll paper is placed here and placed toward the back of the printer virtually self loads. The book does a nice job telling you how to setup the "film factory" software to maximize this usage as well. The 4" roll paper once done can be advanced to cut and then put back in loaded position or in position to remove from the printer. All it takes is one button push for each and the printer does the work.
INK CHANGE MID-PRINTING: This was amazing. My ink ran out right in the middle of a large print run for photos on the 4" wide roll paper. I anticipated wasted paper or a need to prematurely change the ink. Luckily Epson thought this all out for me. Once the ink was exhausted the printing stopped and cued up the ink cartridge. It also gave me plenty of warning if I had no cartridge on hand. Each print I did, I was shown the status of the ink cartridges. When it ran out, it stopped nicely after a print and told me it could go no further. At that time I could advance the picture to cut if I wanted to and then requeue the paper. It offered me instructions (which I used) to change the cartridge and nicely showed me each step, including removing the strip that protects the contacts. Once the cartridge was changed it resumed the printing job. Ironically, once this happened when I could not attend to it, and it patiently waited for over 8 hours for me and then went like clockwork when done.
EASE OF FINDING INK-JET CARTRIDGES AND EPSON PAPER Needless to say, once you get the printer, you will need to purchase replacement cartridges. I'm finding it easier to find the cartridges online. However, I'm sure speciality stores would have these cartridges, but they are not in grocery stores like some of the HPs and Canon's are. As far as the paper, I'm also not finding it as plentiful in the real world as online. Online is amazingly cheaper as well, even considering shipping. Key is buying enough at one time.
FOR BEST QUALITY USE EPSON PAPER: It makes a major difference when you use Epson paper with this printer. If you want the best quality, this is what you should do. This is not saying other papers won't work, but the results may be unexpected. On one of the other competitor's paper, I tried, I got an iridescent 3D effect, when I tried it. Not good.
P.S. This review was before I had used Kodak's One Touch to better Pictures. Please see my Kodak Paper review prior to making your buying decision. I was really impressed with what Kodak did.
COMPARISON: I have owned a Lexmark, Brother and HP printers and have never been so impressed at the quality of the product as I have been with this printer. The external construction is solid, the initial use was seamless and its end product is exceptional. Nice job!
43 of 44 people found the following review helpful.Just a quick review on initial use
By atmj
Yesterday, I received the Epson 890.
Within 1/2 hour, I had it hooked up and running. I have Windows ME and a Soyata 733MHz computer. (A Soyata is a Rochester NY company that assembles computers)
I had been recommended this printer (the Epson 890) or the Epson 1280 (for larger print sizes) based on a co-worker's experiences with an Epson 870. She is a professional print evaluator and told me it was the best on the market. Not quite as good as traditional photos, but for a high mega pixel camera, almost indistinguisable to the amateur (which I am).
Well, she was right....WOW! I would be hard pressed to tell the difference in the prints it made, and I was using a photo created by a 1.2 MP camera. Either I'm easy to please or it was real good (Both, could be true).
A couple notes about the setup... All very good.
The printer arrived in a very big box, but the actually printer box wasn't that big. You had to lift a plastic covered piece of card board with all the small stuff (paper extensions, manuals, etc.) and underneath was the printer. You lifted two pieces of styrofoam and could easily grab the printer. It wasn't really that heavy. Despite the lack of weight it looks solidly built. None of the plastic housings bend when you handle it.
You have to remove less than ten peices of very visible blue tape used in packing. It leaves no sticky residue, so this was a cinch. (Don't forget the stuff in the inside too.)
The quick start guide was huge, but well illustrated. I did find it a little confusing on how to put the back paper holder extension in place. As I'm a former mechanical engineer, they might want to work on that a bit. However, once I got the orientation right, it went together simply.
I hooked up the power and USB cable (It does not come with either USB or parallel cables). Ironically, I had ordered a USB cable, but it is being shipped later. Luckily another device I have (a CD burner) had the right size cable and I borrowed it. Following the instructions for PC was simple. The Macintosh instructions are there too.
It told me how my computer was going to act and what to do accurately. The software installed seamlessly. There were 3 or 4 photo programs included and I just picked one to use. Mind you have have about 3 already installed on my computer as it is.
It came with a roller attachement and paper for it, plus a couple more 8-1/2 X 11 sheets. However, I had some 4 X 6 epson paper on hand that I had used on my other printer. When I used this on this printer, it was phenomenal. Granted, Epson most likely optimized their printer for their paper. They did a good job. It was like night and day from the output I received from my other printer which at 1440 X 720 dpi, was no slouch.
The print was on Epson 4 X 6 photo paper. You would be hard pressed to tell the difference from a tradition photo.
P.S. This review was before I had used Kodak's One Touch to better Pictures. Please see my Kodak Paper review prior to making your paper buying decision. I was really impressed with what Kodak did to make their paper work with this printer.
45 of 47 people found the following review helpful.Good-bye photo lab, hello Epson 890
By Phillip Konkle
I started printing my first photos up on Kodak paper with very disappointing results and starting second guessing how wise this purchase had been. Then I used the sample sheet of epson photo paper that came with the printer and all I can say is WOW! This thing is amazing, there's no way to tell between developed photos and ones I've printed up. This was on epsons economical photo paper too, I can only imagine how good they'll come out when I get my shipment of premium glossy epson paper. If your in the market for a photo printer this is the one and remember the paper makes all the difference in the world.
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